A Rush For Rusha😅

So this week has been amazing for us. We got nominated for 3 awards and also got a writer’s tag!!


Our friend Shaheen from https://shaheen.reviews/ has tagged us with the small joy tag!

The Rules of this tag are:

  • Thank the blogger who tagged you.
  • List 15 of your small joys.
  • Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy, feel free to say why!

List of our 15 small joys:
1. Spending time with our dear ones.
3. Reading novels….any kind
4. Blogging(of course)
5. Outings and travelling
6. Dance and Music ❤️
7. Basketball and table tennis
8. Classroom fun!
9. Partiesss!!!
10. Sometimes listening to pleasant music.
11. Calls with our mains!
12. Parth Samthaan(actor)..lol but yeah that’s for Disha😂
13. Foodddd😬
14. Vacations (though we hate them temporarily)
15. Feeding a needy ❣️

We tag the following bloggers:

  • Blanca from Journey In Finding God
  • Asthasia from Writing feels good
  • Kamal from Kamal’s Blogging Cafe
  • Paper Hearts from yourpaperhearts
  • Nabeel from Mindtalks

Coming to the awards…….


Blanca from Journey In Finding God has nominated us for the VINCENT EHINDERO BLOGGER AWARD. Thank you so much Blanca. Please visit her blog, She writes beautifully and expresses her self creatively!

Questions for us:
1. Describe your blog in short.
-Our blog is a Collab of 2 teens Disha and Rujuta (Rusha), as said before. We write what our heart feels, from global issues to emotions, we tend to write it all.

2.Give 3 words to describe yourself.
– okay so we are 2 different personalities but yeah we both are focused, confident and RUSHA😂(also we are quite lazy😉)

3.What do you do other than blogging?
– Rujuta- I love playing the piano and reading novels(or anything infact )….I am also interested in space science and technology❤️.
-Disha- I love dancing and I’m currently working on my speaking skills ,so I keep on participating in debates, extempore etc.

4.What is your favorite quote?
-Rujuta’s- ‘dreams don’t work unless you do’
-Disha’s- ‘be a warrior not a worrier’

Our questions for the nominees:
1. What made you think that you should start a blogging page?
2. How do you react when you are given negative feedbacks?
3. What in your opinion is better: schooling or college life?
4. Do you wish to go back(any year)? Why?
5. What’s your favourite cuisine?

We nominate:

  • Shaheen from shaheen reviews
  • Silent Silvery Tears
  • TK brown writer
  • Benjamin Grossman
  • A lightyear journey


Last week Kamal from Kamal’s Blogging Cafe had nominated us for this award!! Thank you so much for this Kamal, we are very grateful.
This award has been basically introduced to spread peace and save environment through our creative blogs!!
Great initiative Kamal. We are glad to be a part of it!!

Rules & Regulations :
1. Thank the person who nominated you, with a link to their blog.
2. Make a Post of the Award with a Statement on Concept of PEACE & SAVE ENVIRONMENT . And Tag your post with the #greatachiever.
3. Mention the rules and regulations.
4. Ask 7 questions of your choice. One of the question most include about “PEACE” and one for “SAVE Environment”.
5. Nominate at least 7 fellow bloggers or more to 21 bloggers and notify them.
6. Follow @kamalsbloggingcafe (https://kamalsbloggingcafe.wordpress.com) to secure certification as a badge to get a chance of collecting badge of GAMBA WORDPRESS SHINING STAR AWARD for PEACE & SAVE ENVIRONMENT. For more details visit:  https://kamalsbloggingcafe.wordpress.com/award/.

Concept Of PEACE :

PEACE: we hardly hear this word in today’s world. Everybody is busy running towards their goals , but nobody has time to sit,meditate or think peacefully . The concept of peace can’t be understood easily, it needs a lot of determination and focus. As teens even we have a mind which has number of thoughts going around, we have forgotten that life exists even after these digital gadgets. Peace is not something that can be gained without practice neither does it need a special place like imagined (LIKE HIMALAYAS FOR THOSE MONKS), It is an inner sensation that a person feels once he or she reaches the highest level of patience . You can find peace even in a pub, having 40-50 speakers working together, because it’s just a desire that can be fulfilled with regular practice and a bit of calmness.Doors of peace open inwards not outwards….SO, inner peace is definitely needed for you know,
“global peace”


We have been hearing this from our childhoods. SAVE ENVIRONMENT! but how many of us really contribute in it? Teacher said, make an assignment on how to save environment and ways to spread awareness. MUMMA I got the 1st prize! but after that you hardly care to implement the same on yourself. This is the bitter reality of today’s generation. If we really care about OUR environment then it is high time to come forward and start doing it from your own houses, plant a tree every week , feed a street animal and show some humanity.

Questions for us:

1. How can you be a good blogger as a member of WordPress Global Village?
– We can spread awareness about the things going around the world , suggesting some ways to make the environment a better place to live!

2. How can we save a tree?
– We can make people aware about the importance of plants. We can also get in contact with some of the agencies and help in planting and protecting more trees.

3. Do you think human trafficking is still a crosscutting issues?
– Yes, human trafficking has always been an issue of concern. It’s a brutal act by a human, who is taking away all the freedom of his brother or sister.

4. What thing do you sacrifice to make a happy family environment?
-Ummm, next question…..

5. Which animal do you like most? Why?
-Neither of us have a formed a close bond with any animal or pet, so we can’t say a favorite one.

6. What do you think about the journalist or youtubers?
– Journalists are very confident and they always give their best.Most youtubers are extremely creative, they try to spread their messages, just like bloggers.

7. Is a movie-star play a vital role to aware most of the people around the world or just they present their performance to earn money?
– We can’t answer that because all actors have their own aims. But if they work to spread a message, and work not just to earn money, they will be able to give a better performance!

Our questions are the same for our nominees:

  • Sang from heartsand verses
  • Naturetails
  • Shelendra Shukla “Haldauna”
  • Dilip from Breath of joy
  • Yolanda
  • Maria from Beautifulpeopleinc.com


Chasing the Maximum Life has nominated us for our third sunshine blogger award. Thank you so much!! You can check her awesome blog at:
She writes about fashion and also about daily lifestyle. It is definitely inspirational!


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


1. What has been your biggest struggle when it comes to blogging?
– In the start we found it difficult to know different features and the content that is posted by other writers but now we are familiar with most of the things.

2.What’s the title of the current chapter of your life? – Solo❤️

3.What’s your favourite Life Hack? – life is a hack!

4.Road trip or scenic train ride?
– pls! We are ready for both😂

5.Most uplifting song according to you?
– That’s a difficult one, but definitely Bruno Mars’s Count on Me is in our list!

6.What is the one thing you want to do in the future?
– Rujuta definitely wants to go to moon😬 and Disha wants a lead role in a movie( just kidding).

7.Favourite social media platform? Why? – Rujuta is fairly away from social media though Disha can’t live without snapchat.. Reason: even she isn’t aware of it😂

8.What has made you happy recently? -Blog! We got 3 awards and a tag within a week. That’s a great achievement for us.

9.What is the scariest thing you have done?
– Seen each other..lol!

10.If you could get a paid three-day break from the hustle and bustle of life, where would you spend your vacation? – mountains or Island..umm..nope,we really need the normal life back,so yeah some busy street.

11.What is the one thing your love about yourself?
-We love all aspects of ourselves, we must embrace everything we have!!

OUR NOMINEES:( The questions are the same that we answered)

  • Aspiring Blog
  • Chrstn
  • Saania Sparkle
  • Shankysalty
  • Lovely’s food blog
  • Immortalwords
  • Gottfried from banter republic
  • Jimmy John
  • Taruna
  • Gabychops
  • Sheree

Congratulations to all the nominees. We have tried to nominate new people, hope you all accept it. RUSHA✌️

69 thoughts on “A Rush For Rusha😅”

  1. Congratulations on your awards! Enjoyed reading your simple joys very much, and your favorite quotes are both uplifting. Also isn’t it fun to share a blog? I hope this strengthens your friendship more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Markus and Mikah💕
      Yes it is definitely more enjoyable with a partner!!😉and you realize that your friendship can strengthen more than you ever imagined❤
      Stay connected friends,

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey dear. First of all leave the awards behind, I so loved the title of your post. Haha. It’s really creative. Anyways congratulations to you dear on all these awards and tags. You truly deserve all of them. Keep blogging and keep growing always. Tc and stay happy. 🤗😊😃

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Really great job. Congratulations… you have beautifully presented the theme peace and environment. Answers are good. Please register for shining star on kamalsbloggingcafe.wordpress.com/award. 🙂🙂🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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